Krivoy Rog Russian Women Tours

The Krivoy Rog Singles Tour offers you the unique opportunity to meet thousands of beautiful Ukrainian women while at the same time visit the longest city in Europe (Krivoy Rog historically was built along the mining shafts, that explains its unusual shape and length). We've chosen Krivoy Rog as our new tour destination for several reasons. The city has a large number of attractive single motivated women, who had little opportunity to meet western men, so they will be very happy to come to our socials to meet you. The other reason is that Krivoy Rog has a small-town feel to it, it is especially important for men who come from the small towns in America. The hotel accommodations will suit the needs of even the most demanding traveler.

The bonus city for Krivoy Rog Tour is Dnepropetrovsk. It is closely located (only 1.5 hours by car from your main tour destination) and is well known for the beauty of its women! In fact A Foreign Affair takes groups to Dnepropetrovsk 2 or 3 times each year.

Adding a bonus city to your main tour city will give you a unique opportunity to experience two wonderful, yet distinct, Ukrainian cities for the price of one, and meet the beautiful women who inhabit them! If you have any questions about this tour please feel free to contact any of our Singles Tour counselors.

There are a large number of very beautiful women who reside in Dnepropetrovsk. By adding bonus cities, such as Mariupol, Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk, etc. as a bonus city to our Singles tours, we now provide you with the opportunity to meet these beautiful women and hopefully find your special someone.

Krivoy Rog Russian Women Tours

Our Singles Tours provide you with an extremely effective means to meet as many women as possible so you can find that special someone. We will implement several different vehicles for you to meet the thousands of women on our vast database including three large Social gatherings, New Applicant Interviews and, of course, our constant One-on-One Introductions via our office, and the thousands of profiles on file there.

Your tour will consist of countless meetings and introductions with the women of Krivoy Rog and Dnepropetrovsk.

Despite of the fact that Krivoy Rog has the small-town feel, nobody would call it a small city. The underground system of Krivoy Rog with its 9 stations and with almost 20-km route allows the residents of Krivoy Rog to overcome the distances of the city.

Krivoy Rog Russian Women Tours

There are more than 100 cultural institutions. In Krivoy Rog the development of sports in the city has always been taken care of. Due to it there are 17 stadiums, 14 swimming pools, 230 sport gym halls and auto-motor-cycle racing track "Sparta-Rodeo" in Krivoy Rog.

For good reason the names of Krivo-Rogian weight-lifters, judoists, sport acrobats, sambists, karatekas, shots are well-known with the sport public.

Krivoy Rog Russian Women Tours

Please keep in mind that your tour is designed so that all you have to concern yourself with is meeting as many women as possible through the many different vehicles provided for you. Our friendly and competent staff is at your call 24 hours a day to accommodate all your needs. For your convenience, our office and hospitality room are located in the same hotel where you will be staying.

Krivoy Rog is an absolutely charming city, its charm is matched only by the women residing there. Your Krivoy Rog/Dnepropetrovsk Tour is something that you will never forget, and may very well change your life forever.


Discover why more Singles Tour clients place their trust in A Foreign Affair each and every year than any other tour agency!

Now have all your Singles Tour questions answered by one of our Tour Representatives 7 days a week, from 9AM to 9PM MST, by calling our Tour Info line at (602) 553-8178

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Des Relations à Long Terme qui Durent

En réponse à une demande du Congrès américain il y a plusieurs années, le U.S. Le ministère de la Justice a publié un rapport relatif aux questions d'immigration et de mariage international qui indiquait "il semblerait" que les mariages entre citoyens américains et étrangers "auraient tendre à durer plus longtemps" que celle des mariages domestiques dans leur ensemble. C'est une manière subtile de dire que les données reflètent que les mariages entre personnes de pays et de cultures différents dans les États-Unis sont généralement plus réussis à long terme. Il peut y avoir de nombreuses raisons à cela - si cette recherche de haut niveau est exacte.

Grâce à notre expérience, nous avons constaté que les célibataires désireux de trouver un compagnon de vie recherchent souvent des valeurs et des attitudes qu'ils estiment ne pas pouvoir trouver chez eux. Ils sont frustrés par les opportunités et les options qui s'offrent à eux dans leur région immédiate. Malgré les défis apparents, ils se rendent compte qu'ils peuvent élargir leurs horizons romantiques (et devraient probablement le faire) pour rechercher dans le monde cette UNE personne spéciale qui est parfaite pour eux… pour toujours.

Un amour durable est possible. La chimie et la connexion que vous recherchez EST possible sans compromis. Peu importe ce dont vous débattez avec vous-même, le moment est venu, au moins, d'explorer votre opportunité. La déclaration que nous entendons le plus souvent de la part des clients qui ont fait appel à nos services est « Pourquoi n'ai-je pas fait cela il y a des années? »

Si ce n'est pas le bon moment - quand sera-t-il le bon? Pourquoi gaspiller potentiellement des années de votre vie parce que vous vous êtes défendu d'enquêter sur votre opportunité en ce moment parce que ce n'est pas encore le bon moment - ou vous êtes sceptique quant au processus de jumelage international sans au moins l'explorer. C'est le bon moment. Vous pourriez être agréablement surpris de voir à quel point le processus peut être facile, aventureux et abordable. En ce moment même, vous n'avez absolument rien à perdre.