Meet the woman of your dreamsAfter many hours of internet access during a couple years and viewing thousands of single Russian and Ukrainian lady's profiles, I finally found the lady of my dreams - so I thought. We e-mailed occasionally and talked mostly by phone for over six months before I flew to Saint Petersburg, Russia for a 10 day trip to meet her in person during high season.

A $3,000 dollar 10 day trip to Russia to meet the lady of my dreams ended instantly in disaster as soon as we met. I got off the plane where she was kind enough to meet me at the airport. When we met, I went to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek she cringed and tightened up all over. I knew instantly it was over and we would never be a match. I would have gotten back on the plane if I could have. It took her a couple days to realize it. We did become friends if that's any consolation.

The point is I made the biggest mistake you can make by not taking a Singles Tour so I would have other ladies to meet while I was there or at least go at the same time as a tour so I could meet other ladies just in case it did not work out with the lady - and it usually doesn't. You really don't know until you actually meet in person, no matter how long you two have been writing or calling each other.

Bottom Line
Always take a Singles Tour with a credible company even though you will go to meet your special lady or if you go by yourself, ALWAYS go at the same time as a Singles Tour. If it does not work out with your lady you can easily pay a fee to attend the Singles Tour so your whole trip is not a complete waste like mine was.

I did manage to arrange a couple introductory dates through local agencies but it is nothing like just showing up for the Tour and being sociable to meet many selected, high quality ladies right in one spot who want to meet and talk with you.

I don't think anyone can beat an experience like that. Just watch some tour videos for yourself and you will see what I mean. I'll never make that mistake again. Don't learn the hard way like me unless you have the time and $3 grand to burn.

Teddy B.

Individual Travel - Not All its Cracked Up To Be

find russian women for marriageThx for your time on the phone a few minutes ago. My experience was not what I was hoping for. Perhaps it can be helpful for other men considering going over to Eastern Europe to look for a wife. Pleas feel free to share this letter with them. It is the "Cliff Notes" of my story. Sorry I cannot participate in your group symposium this Thursday night but I have class for graduate school that I cannot miss. Here is my story.

I was and am looking for a traditional woman with strong family values who wants to be a wife and a mother and had been corresponding by letter through the Foreign Affair site with a nice looking woman, college educated, economist, from Kharkov, fed up with Ukrainian men in general, and hoping for something better from the West. I had described the typical career oriented American woman who wants to be a man and she thought that that was quite strange and assured me that she was not that type of woman. After corresponding for two months (exchanging about 6 or 7 letters, we agreed to meet in Kiev so that I would have an easier time getting there.

We exchanged very promising letters and she said that she liked my pictures very much. Though there is nearly 20 yrs. age difference, it did not seem to be an impediment (and I work out regularly so I had confidence that she would not reject me outright). As we planned the rendezvous, she was adamant about bringing her own translator, which I naively had no qualms about. After I had cleared out my life for the anticipated trip and had made all the reservations (for [separate] hotel rooms-this Christian man does not sleep with anyone who is not his wife! -, air, etc.), and wrote her to confirm my planned arrival, I heard NOTHING from the girl for three weeks. I then wrote her another letter asking, "What up?" It was not very reassuring. I had just committed to about $2,000 worth of travel. THEN she finally wrote back saying that she had "troubles" and did not want to bother me with them (and I wondered about the nature of the problems and when she planned to let me in on the secret!). She assured me that we should meet, etc. Game on. OK.

When I got there, Diana was stone cold. She maybe said two words to me in the cab from the airport to the hotel. When we went out for dinner, she spent the first 10 minutes lecturing me on my wardrobe selection. She did not seem interested in the fact that I had just come all the way from Shanghai through the US and could not carry all that I wanted since I was going airline space- available and there was a limit to what I could bring. But...this little 29 yr. old girl had never evidently been around the block and this was beyond her grasp.

As we walked down to the restaurant, she was having her picture taken down by every monument and statue in the city but was happy to keep me out of the picture (which, everyone but me knew that I already was- out of the picture!). Dinner- "Why do you want a wife from Ukraine?" I began by citing the things that she had said in her letters- a traditional girl looking for a good man, blah blah blah. She seemed intent to correct me by going in to all of this stuff about getting a job and a career and knew she could be a success and how she does not trust men, and how her father had left her family, and on and on and I thought, "Gee, am I in LA? I thought that I was in Eastern Europe! Must have got on the wrong plane."

So you get the idea how things proceeded for the next three days. I still held out some hope that she was warming up to me. But...I also realized that this girl was just not real. Her letters were not real, her nails were fake, her eyelashes were fake, her boobs were fake, but her personality was unfortunately real. And then, instead of spending our last evening at a nice restaurant, Diana, the girl with no money and only sporadic paychecks, needed to stop in at all the little dress stores and boutiques along the way and try on everything. THIS is priceless (no pun intended): During one of these charades, the translator turns to me and says, "Do you think Diana looks good in that coat?" "Yeah, she looks nice in it." "Then why don't you buy it for her?" "NO!" She then looked at me curiously, like the RCA dog looking into the megaphone: "Why not?" Because she is NOT my girlfriend, that's why!" That was the last straw. Forget all, the previous nice gifts that I had given her (nothing exotic, just little things like a purse and some souvenirs of China, etc.). Diana and the translator were only to happy to milk the cow once again.

Even though I did not get stung as badly as I could have, I guess my plan to do it "on the cheap" was actually not so cheap after all. The big date that I had invested in for almost the cost of one of Foreign Affair's group trips (actually- probably did spend about $3,500 by the time it was all said and done) was over before it even began. Brothers, I realize that many of you are just like me- looking for a good woman (not perfection) and that you don't want the opportunity for love to pass you by. Granted. But, if you think you want a good Eastern European woman, I would highly advise you to get into a group tour with Foreign Affair and let them be the experienced guides that you will need to successfully negotiate what could be your biggest blessing or potentially your worst nightmare. I got off cheap because I was only a little naive. You can be smarter that I was and I am sure that you will score a really good girl who you will treasure and have a happy life together. But, just beware that there are scam artists in any country and I think that Foreign Affair personnel can help you to avoid the minefields. Thanks for listening and good luck and God bless you!


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Des Relations à Long Terme qui Durent

En réponse à une demande du Congrès américain il y a plusieurs années, le U.S. Le ministère de la Justice a publié un rapport relatif aux questions d'immigration et de mariage international qui indiquait "il semblerait" que les mariages entre citoyens américains et étrangers "auraient tendre à durer plus longtemps" que celle des mariages domestiques dans leur ensemble. C'est une manière subtile de dire que les données reflètent que les mariages entre personnes de pays et de cultures différents dans les États-Unis sont généralement plus réussis à long terme. Il peut y avoir de nombreuses raisons à cela - si cette recherche de haut niveau est exacte.

Grâce à notre expérience, nous avons constaté que les célibataires désireux de trouver un compagnon de vie recherchent souvent des valeurs et des attitudes qu'ils estiment ne pas pouvoir trouver chez eux. Ils sont frustrés par les opportunités et les options qui s'offrent à eux dans leur région immédiate. Malgré les défis apparents, ils se rendent compte qu'ils peuvent élargir leurs horizons romantiques (et devraient probablement le faire) pour rechercher dans le monde cette UNE personne spéciale qui est parfaite pour eux… pour toujours.

Un amour durable est possible. La chimie et la connexion que vous recherchez EST possible sans compromis. Peu importe ce dont vous débattez avec vous-même, le moment est venu, au moins, d'explorer votre opportunité. La déclaration que nous entendons le plus souvent de la part des clients qui ont fait appel à nos services est « Pourquoi n'ai-je pas fait cela il y a des années? »

Si ce n'est pas le bon moment - quand sera-t-il le bon? Pourquoi gaspiller potentiellement des années de votre vie parce que vous vous êtes défendu d'enquêter sur votre opportunité en ce moment parce que ce n'est pas encore le bon moment - ou vous êtes sceptique quant au processus de jumelage international sans au moins l'explorer. C'est le bon moment. Vous pourriez être agréablement surpris de voir à quel point le processus peut être facile, aventureux et abordable. En ce moment même, vous n'avez absolument rien à perdre.