A Foreign Affair's Executive Plan

Welcome to A Foreign Affair’s Executive Plan, for those who desire extensive personalized service. We have developed the Executive Plan as an alternative to our standard offerings to serve those clients requiring a much more extensive, personalized, approach.

The Executive Plan is designed to take maximum advantage of our existing infrastructure, while affording the client the highest level of individualized service and attention.

Executive Services Video

You will be assigned a Personal Consultant, who will guide you through the entire process. You will personally meet with her in order to become better acquainted for the purposes of building an effective working relationship. The Consultant will interface with all of our offices and oversee all of the tasks necessary to produce a list of suitable matches/candidates. Once a list of suitable candidates has been compiled, the consultant will work closely with you to choose a select list of potential matches for personal meetings.

We understand and respect our clients’ needs for confidentiality. No personal contact information will be divulged without your prior permission.

Client's Responsibilities/Disclaimers Profile Form and Questionnaire

The Executive Plan includes the following services:

Client's Responsibilities/Disclaimers Profile Form and Questionnaire

Hi John,

My name is Eric. I'm a 57 year old dentist in the United States Army, living in El Paso, TX. I have been divorced for 19 years.

I just got home from spending the past 9 days in Medellin and want to tell you what an amazing job all the staff in Colombia has done for me. It was one of the best things that I have ever done in my life!

I got your email address from Manuela at the Medellin office.

I used your company in the past many years ago with a trip to Ukraine. I had a nice time then, but I didn't meet anyone special. Things got tough for me financially and I had to wait for a long time until I could consider using AFA again.

Last summer, for some reason I cannot remember, I became interested in Colombian women. I started watching the videos on youtube and I signed up for the tour in Cartagena, Nov 2023.

I had an excellent experience then, and I thought I met someone I could have a long term relationship with, but that ended up not working out.

Then I was considering the Medellin tour coming up this June. But I kept watching the videos and I thought that for the price of 2 tours, I could get more focus on what I want and need, with the Elite Club.

I worked with Maria and Daniela with video conferences and video dates. They both really know the woman registered in your agency and were able to tell me which ones to avoid and which ones would be a good fit.

There was one woman I was very interested in, who I had 4 video dates with and I got her whatsapp number. I thought that was the only person I needed to see when I planned my trip. But Maria and Daniela both told me to continue with other video dates and they even planned many dates with different women for me to meet in person.

I have to tell you from the time I arrived in Medellin, until I returned home, I have not had better service with anything in my life.

I worked mostly with Manuela in Medellin setting up my dates and giving me advice and my interpreter was Valentina. They both did a great job. I had so many dates, that I couldn't believe it. I wasn't really looking for quantity, but I understand the process.

I met many women, but I feel like I have good chemistry with 4 of them. Each one of these women wanted to see me as much as possible. The toughest thing for me is having to tell them that I can't see them, because I already had a date planned with another women.

On my long trip home to Texas, I was able to think about what I should do next. One of the woman who I had chemistry with and saw on my last day in Medellin wanted me to decide on one person, but I told her I could not do that. When I got home, I determined that she would be my 4th choice, so I sent her a text telling her how wonderful I think she is, but I felt a stronger bond with someone else. It was very hard for me to do, but she was understanding.

So now I am still in contact with 3 women who I think are all amazing and I am going to have another video meeting with Maria soon, the figure out the next step.

I never thought I would have interest from such smart, beautiful women like these, and I am a little overwhelmed because two weeks ago I had no one interested in me romantically. Now I have 3!

Even if I came home "empty handed," and did not have any connections, I still would tell anyone that I had a great experience.

I'm not in a rush, but hopefully I will end up marrying one of these women and I will invite all the women I talked about above from AFA to my wedding.

I have nothing but great things to say about my experience and would recommend it to anyone.

Thank You,

Eric L


I returned to the US from Ukraine about 6 days ago and I am still trying to recover from the intense experience that will likely change my life forever. I met many wonderful people and had a great time that was made better by having met you and John on my visit to Phoenix. I want to thank you both for the personal attention that was given to me and for the very professional business that you are a part of. The team in Odessa with Max and Anna complements your members in Phoenix to create a first class business with attention to detail that made the trip an event that I will not soon forget. I will need your help to correspond to Oksana (91084) , a letter of which I have sent to you a few minutes ago. Give my best to John and thanks again.

Fred in Athens,


Hi Tanya

I'm really sorry about my late, late response. I don't use this email any longer, I only set it up for AFA and as you know, my experience with your company has been nothing less than amazing. I truly think of you and your team every day but cannot get two seconds to say hello and thank you again and again... I can't thank you all enough for what you have all done for me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I traveled abroad with your company but I couldn't have come to a better conclusion.... Irina and I are very happy together, we haven't rung each other's neck yet so its working. Thank you and all my friends in this episode of my ever changing life.

I hope you and John and the family had a great 2016 and holiday season, I'm certain your 2017 will be even better, you all deserve the best...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! and god bless you all.

Yours Truly,

Ron R

International Dating BLog Content Video

We are proud to share with you the wedding between two of our members, Kjetil and Larisa. We want to wish both of them nothing but joy and happiness and a long and loving life together. Kjetil chose to work with one of our senior Personal Consultants, Tanya, via the Executive program. Tanya worked closely with Kjetil throughout the entire process, as you can see the results speak for themselves. If you would like more information about the program feel free to contact us at (602) 553-8178 ext. 2003.

Love International homepage video thumbnail

Des Relations à Long Terme qui Durent

En réponse à une demande du Congrès américain il y a plusieurs années, le U.S. Le ministère de la Justice a publié un rapport relatif aux questions d'immigration et de mariage international qui indiquait "il semblerait" que les mariages entre citoyens américains et étrangers "auraient tendre à durer plus longtemps" que celle des mariages domestiques dans leur ensemble. C'est une manière subtile de dire que les données reflètent que les mariages entre personnes de pays et de cultures différents dans les États-Unis sont généralement plus réussis à long terme. Il peut y avoir de nombreuses raisons à cela - si cette recherche de haut niveau est exacte.

Grâce à notre expérience, nous avons constaté que les célibataires désireux de trouver un compagnon de vie recherchent souvent des valeurs et des attitudes qu'ils estiment ne pas pouvoir trouver chez eux. Ils sont frustrés par les opportunités et les options qui s'offrent à eux dans leur région immédiate. Malgré les défis apparents, ils se rendent compte qu'ils peuvent élargir leurs horizons romantiques (et devraient probablement le faire) pour rechercher dans le monde cette UNE personne spéciale qui est parfaite pour eux… pour toujours.

Un amour durable est possible. La chimie et la connexion que vous recherchez EST possible sans compromis. Peu importe ce dont vous débattez avec vous-même, le moment est venu, au moins, d'explorer votre opportunité. La déclaration que nous entendons le plus souvent de la part des clients qui ont fait appel à nos services est « Pourquoi n'ai-je pas fait cela il y a des années? »

Si ce n'est pas le bon moment - quand sera-t-il le bon? Pourquoi gaspiller potentiellement des années de votre vie parce que vous vous êtes défendu d'enquêter sur votre opportunité en ce moment parce que ce n'est pas encore le bon moment - ou vous êtes sceptique quant au processus de jumelage international sans au moins l'explorer. C'est le bon moment. Vous pourriez être agréablement surpris de voir à quel point le processus peut être facile, aventureux et abordable. En ce moment même, vous n'avez absolument rien à perdre.