About A Foreign Affair

A Foreign Affair is one of the world's largest and most respected Introduction and Tour services. Founded in early 1995, AFA was one of the first on-line Introduction and Tour Company, and have since grown to be the industry leader. Our corporate headquarters are located in Phoenix, Arizona. We own and operate offices in all of the cities in which we conduct our world famous Singles Tours, with over 70 employees worldwide. The doors to all of our offices are always open, and we invite you to visit with us whenever you wish.

A Foreign Affair is the product of numerous hours of research, a multitude of talented people, and a vision of a service that could facilitate users from all over the world in meeting each other for fun, friendship, and marriage. That vision has now become a reality, as we are currently responsible for hundreds of marriages each year! As a matter of fact, the founding partners, as well as some of the employees of A Foreign Affair, have met and married their beautiful foreign Brides using the services of A Foreign Affair

A Foreign Affair is no stranger to the Media, garnering more Media attention than any other company in the industry. We have been featured on 60 minutes, Inside Edition, The Today Show, Nightline, Dr. Phil, WE TV, National Geographic (Bachelors' Abroad), The Maury Povich Show, The X-Show, as well as News Shows on all the major networks including; ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, A&E, and the BBC.

A sampling of the print media that have featured stories about A Foreign Affair are: TIME Magazine, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Maxim, Penthouse, Marie Claire, Saturday Night Magazine, St. Petersburg Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Arizona Republic, The Sacramento Bee, among many others.

We have also been featured on numerous radio programs including Loveline, and the USA Radio Network.

Additionally we have been the subject of numerous documentaries, including "Loveme the Documentary" as well as a full feature film Two Brothers and a Bride - A Foreign Affair

We sincerely believe that after all is said and done, the most important factor in this service-orientated business is trust. The men and women who submit their names, addresses, and photos must trust us to display them properly. You, as the user, have to trust that the names and addresses you are receiving are current and from people who truly want to meet someone for a special relationship. We understand our responsibilities, and feel certain that we will gain your confidence as you use and become familiar with our system.

If you ever have a problem with our system, employees, or any of the women or men you respond to, please contact us. It is our number one commitment to provide the best service and we will do everything within our power to ensure every client is satisfied.

How A Foreign Affair Began

In 1995, three single men were looking for a new direction in their lives. John Adams and Ron Redburn decided to start a business built around the substantial computer programming skills of the third founding member, Kenneth Agee. Although somewhat limited in scope, their original idea was to create a computer dating network between bars and restaurants in the Phoenix metro area.

Advanced brainstorming saw the idea broaden to that of a computerized, world wide international matchmaking organization. It was a visionary business plan, ripe with opportunity. It was an exciting adventure for the three (then) bachelors from Phoenix. Bringing the plan to fruition required a lot of hard work, but after many long days and nights they combined their efforts with a small start up investment. On Saturday, February 10, 1996, LoveMe.com was registered and became the first internet-based International Marriage Agency in the world.

Since that time, John, Ron, and Ken have all found and married Russian brides with the help of LoveMe.com/A Foreign Affair. They are living proof that not only does the process work but that a lifetime of happiness can start with a single email, phone call or by attending a Singles Tour. Today AFA continues to lead the industry by offering more Singles Tours to more destinations than any other company in the world.

If you have any questions or comments about our service please feel free to call us. Again, we sincerely appreciate the fact that you have considered using our service.

Our Staff:

Phoenix Arizona Main Office

  • Administrative Director: John Adams
  • Marketing Director: Kenneth Agee
  • Group Tour Coordinator: Michelle
  • Affiliate Programs Manager: Joe
  • Executive Client Program Administrator: Tanya Adams
  • Accounting Director: Marybeth
  • Accounting Assistant: Bonnie
  • Accounting Assistant: Mae
  • Client Relations/SCO: Gena
  • Director of Client Relations: Liz
  • Social Media Director: Kirk
  • Video/Website Director: Rob
  • Technical Support Manager: Bill
  • Receptionist: Briana
  • Asian Specialist - Matchmaker: Ronna Lou

Foreign Offices

  • Manager of St. Petersburg Operations: Michael
  • Manager of Cartagena Operations: Monica
  • Manager of Costa Rica Operations: Gustavo
  • Manager of Dominican Republic Operations: Stephanie
  • Manager of Philippine Operations: Helen
  • Manager of Barranquilla Operations: Maria
  • Manager of Nikolaev Operations: Elena
  • Manager of Peru Operations: Sara
  • Manager of Shenyang China Operations: Larry
  • Manager of Kiev Opearations: Victoria
  • Managers of Odessa Operations: Kate & Anna
  • Manager of Chongqing Operations: Yuan
  • Manager of Shenzhen Operations: Careful
Love International homepage video thumbnail

Des Relations à Long Terme qui Durent

En réponse à une demande du Congrès américain il y a plusieurs années, le U.S. Le ministère de la Justice a publié un rapport relatif aux questions d'immigration et de mariage international qui indiquait "il semblerait" que les mariages entre citoyens américains et étrangers "auraient tendre à durer plus longtemps" que celle des mariages domestiques dans leur ensemble. C'est une manière subtile de dire que les données reflètent que les mariages entre personnes de pays et de cultures différents dans les États-Unis sont généralement plus réussis à long terme. Il peut y avoir de nombreuses raisons à cela - si cette recherche de haut niveau est exacte.

Grâce à notre expérience, nous avons constaté que les célibataires désireux de trouver un compagnon de vie recherchent souvent des valeurs et des attitudes qu'ils estiment ne pas pouvoir trouver chez eux. Ils sont frustrés par les opportunités et les options qui s'offrent à eux dans leur région immédiate. Malgré les défis apparents, ils se rendent compte qu'ils peuvent élargir leurs horizons romantiques (et devraient probablement le faire) pour rechercher dans le monde cette UNE personne spéciale qui est parfaite pour eux… pour toujours.

Un amour durable est possible. La chimie et la connexion que vous recherchez EST possible sans compromis. Peu importe ce dont vous débattez avec vous-même, le moment est venu, au moins, d'explorer votre opportunité. La déclaration que nous entendons le plus souvent de la part des clients qui ont fait appel à nos services est « Pourquoi n'ai-je pas fait cela il y a des années? »

Si ce n'est pas le bon moment - quand sera-t-il le bon? Pourquoi gaspiller potentiellement des années de votre vie parce que vous vous êtes défendu d'enquêter sur votre opportunité en ce moment parce que ce n'est pas encore le bon moment - ou vous êtes sceptique quant au processus de jumelage international sans au moins l'explorer. C'est le bon moment. Vous pourriez être agréablement surpris de voir à quel point le processus peut être facile, aventureux et abordable. En ce moment même, vous n'avez absolument rien à perdre.